Mission Statement
It is the mission of Sierra’s Sanctuary that ALL souls be healed. Our primary focus will be to renew the mind, body and spirit to show that with “God all things are possible.”
We will teach the principles of walking by faith. Those who are lost will be found, the broken will be made whole and the fallen will rise above.
By giving hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless, life to the lifeless and love to the unloved, we will help to save and heal one soul at a time.
To provide an opportunity for hurting people to accept and follow God.
To provide an atmosphere that teaches coping skills, education and love to constructively handle and react to life controlling problems; thus, preventing backsliding when life’s stressors arise.
To provide a non-judgmental understanding with a safe environment
To provide an opportunity to learn, understand, and practice how to apply Godly principles toward living everyday life.
Ultimately, we WILL “Save One Soul At A Time” by providing a holistic approach on a continual, comprehensive basis.
What Challenges is the Nation Facing
The biggest challenges we are facing as a nation to help people with trauma caused afflictions and addictions is the lack of understanding. This lack of understanding often times leads to negative judgment built on false pretenses. As a result there is a lack of empathy. This creates a domino effect for lack of proper education, finances and care for people directly or indirectly affected from trauma afflictions and addictions. Many people feel as if a crisis doesn't affect them personally then it's not their problem.
This is a national problem as all lives interconnect.
For instance, how many people know that ...
Every hour in America 5 people die from overdose.
Over two million people are addicted to opiates.
Opiates is at the forefront, but all addictions need treated.
Many people who are looking for help don’t know where to find it.
If they do find it, most can’t afford it.
Most places do not accept people unless they have insurance.
Most people with serious addictions have lost their careers and do not have insurance.
If people have insurance, many are being treated for their addictions with another mind altering substance, which often times leads to more addictions.
Without replacing the hopelessness mindset caused from addiction with positive, spiritual faith, relapse is almost always inevitable.
Many people feel as if the crisis doesn't affect them personally then it's not their problem. This is a national problem as our lives interconnect.
Many organizations rely on only a few big investors to help others. If one of those investors falls on financial hard times, so does the organization.
Unfortunately, most people with serious trauma afflictions and addictions have lost their careers and do not have insurance. And although opiates are at the forefront, all addictions need treated as if they are terminal illnesses. Furthermore, when people do have insurance, they are being treated for their addictions with another mind-altering substance, which often times leads to more addictions.
Without replacing the hopelessness mindset caused from trauma and addiction with positive, spiritual faith, depression and relapse is almost always inevitable.
Our Vision
While continuing to provide our ALL encompassing Spiritual Support, Education and Understanding for others struggling with trauma, addiction, grief and other life challenging hurts we are beginning to campaign for raising funds to build and/or financially support transitional housing facilities to be located on or adjacent to the intensive rehabilitation treatment centers' property. This is to provide a safe, structured and comprehensive life skills learning environment for residents while they're rebuilding their lives.
Although continued sobriety is a requirement, these facilities are not the same as "sober living homes". These facilities will be actively directed by the residential rehabilitation centers.
This is to ensure residents aren't being completely swept away from their new support family, counselors, and safe environment and thrown out into the world completely on their own with no proper help, no money, and no one to guide them while they re-learn how to productively live on their own. Any resident living in these transitional facilities can still attend Bible study, classes, church, counseling, dinners and fellowship offered from the residential rehabilitation centers.
The transition from residents leaving a residential treatment center of a completely structured environment while renewing their mind, body and soul (whereby most of their daily decisions are made for them) to being abruptly thrust out into the world to complete responsibility with no accountability is where numerous amounts of people, who truly want to win, end up losing their life's battle to addiction.
We started and organized a nonprofit organization to help educate and sponsor funding to those who are struggling with trauma afflictions and addictions, and who lack direction and finances to get the help they so desperately need.
We are working with institutions who truly want to get people healed and who are not focused on the financial gain. Likewise, we seek to work with organizations who have proven track records of successful long-term rehabilitation for individuals. We also help to support many other treatment centers and housing for both men and women.
Funds will be distributed to educate, support and sponsor those who are looking for help and do not know where to find it, and/or do not have the finances to secure help.
We will be Saving Souls in America one person at a time!
What if we told you that more Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016 than died in the entire Vietnam War? What if we told you that these Americans are someone's child, someone's parent, someone's friend, someone's employer, someone's hero? What if one of these people were you? Then what? What would you want to hear?
We want to be able to tell anyone who reaches out to us for help "Yes we CAN and we WILL help you." It's time to put our faith into action.
Please consider helping us toward "Saving One Soul At A Time" by investing into the lives of others today.
Ohio drug overdose deaths up 39% -- nearly triple US average
As of June 19, 2017 , Montgomery County Ohio was first in the nation for overdose deaths. "We're on a pace to have 800 people die this year due to overdose in our county," Sheriff Phil Plummer told NBC News. "Per capita, we're Number 1 in the nation in overdose deaths."
- March 3, 2017 5:46 p.m.
23 people revived in Trumbull County with use of naxolone over two days.
- July 1, 2018 12:10 a.m.
Officials credit naloxone for fewer OD deaths.
- March 22, 2018 midnight
Overdose deaths up more than 30 percent in Cincinnati area.
- May 28, 2017 4:35 p.m.
More than 4,000 Ohioans died of drug overdoses in 2016
- March 4, 2017 midnight
Trumbull agencies report 23 people saved from overdoses in 48 hours ...
19.7 million American adults, age 12 and older, battled a substance use disorder in 2017 (American addiction centers).
Suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 35-54 (National Institute of mental health).
Nationwide, 19% of students in grades nine through 12 in the United States admit to being bullied on school property (Stop bullying.gov).
Nearly 700,000 children in the United States are abused each year. An estimated 678,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2018, which is the most recent year for national data collection (National children’s alliance).
On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men (National coalition against domestic violence).
Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. One out of every six American women has been a victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (Rape crisis center).